Thursday, November 28, 2019
Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China Essay Example
Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China Paper There was a case of McDonalds in Beijing who were forced out of their property by the government during the contract period (China unique, 2013). This spells an unstable working environment for newspapers. ECONOMIC FACTORS Economic factors include, Unemployment rate, exchange rate, inflation, interest rate, consumer discretionary income, labor cost. Unemployment: According to the ministry of human resources and social security of the PRE, there has been a significant decrease in unemployment rate in China from 4. 0 in the last quarter of 201 3 to 4 percent in the second quarter of 2013 (Trading economics, 2014). This will increase salaries and wages due to scarcity of labor as only few of the population are unemployed. Similarly, Chinas inflation rate as reported by National Bureau of Statistics of China was at 2. 50 percent in January 2014 (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014). This has caused a reduction in unemployment and an increase in wages. This might mean an increase in sales for western brands like newspapers and luxurious brands. According to ban and company luxury goods purchases has slowed down by percent as Chinese shoppers now do their usury shopping abroad (Ban and company 2013). This might not be too good for foreign companies in china but it shows how passionate Chinese are for luxury brands. Chinas GAP were recorded at 7. 7 percent (9. 4 trillion USED) in the fourth quarter of 2013. (Bloomberg business week Jan. 2014) The above information shows that Chinas economic environment would promote and facilitate business activities. (Trading economies, 2014). Lower unemployment rate implies high purchasing power of customers. Inflation will affect newspapers because suppliers fall demand more. High interest rate means high return on investment. We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental factors affecting Nespresso in China specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The higher consumers discretionary income, the higher their purchasing power especially for premium products like the newspapers brand. POLITICAL FACTORS. Factors present in the political environment include Political Stability, government involvement, trade barriers (tariff and non-tariff) Political stability: The three decades of reform in china has led to both a political and social landscape. (China daily Feb. 2014). China has a unique form of political risk which is a constant battle between the central government and local government over applicable laws. For Nosiness, this stability and a clear understanding of local law would guarantee a stable business environment in the long run. Government involvement: The purpose of this is to protect domestic firms. (Protectionism). Government may impose barriers (tariff and non-tariff) on imports or foreign investment in order to protect domestic industries and to reduce competition. Although china has continuously opened its market for foreign investors, it has also place restriction on some foreign businesses in certain industries. For instance the restriction on American producers of autos, beef and steel into its market. Therefore many firms are capitalizing on the power of the internet by doing series of online rumination. (Adage, 2013) Online retail sale according to Bloomberg, went up by percent last year (adage, 2013). The surging internet purchase indicates that Chinese consumers are moving away from bricks and mortar outlets for their shopping. Opportunities of online CRM and sales include; Wider reach. Using the internet, newspapers can keep up with a large number of its customers on a daily or weekly bases. Advertising. Newspapers can also use the internet to advertise its product to millions of customers at the same time. This could be cheaper to operate too. Segmenting purposes. The record of customers and their previous purchase can help newspapers in automatically segmenting it customers based on purchase history Feedback and adjustment. Customer feedbacks is very important as these information can be used in making services or products better. Despite the attractive and promising nature of using the internet, investors and firms should also consider the drawbacks of using the internet for sales and communication. The Chinese government recently just imposed a new law regarding e- Commerce in China. The law stipulates that real names registration of sellers n third party platforms, strict seven days return policy, and also online payment market place must safeguard users privacy. (Pace net services, 2014) Another report says the government is imposing a law where all consumer to consumer online trading would have to register for a business license and also pay taxes (China daily, 2014) Legal system. There are different legal restriction and regulation from government and regulatory bodies. Payment environment: the cash payment culture of the Chinese creates difficulties for online shopping. International credit cards are not accepted in most online hops. There is unavailability of credit card payment in most transactional websites. The online payment system in china is still at an infant stage. Logistics network environment: there is a restriction on foreign investment of logistics companies. Limited choices of delivery therefore, much more time is spent on delivery (kit, 2007). QUESTION THREE Despite the large number of internet users I personally would recommend that newspapers adopt another marketing strategy as it will be very harmful to assume that the newspapers club would work in the Chinese market. From ireful observation of the forces at work in the Chinese market environment, can say that there is high level of government protectionism and regulation on internet businesses (Commerce) that tends to favor Chinese owned firms and businesses. Report has it that not only were a lot of websites blocked in china, there were also a Chinese replacement. Sites blocked include Backbone, yahoo, Google, twitter, Youth etc. According to report, the British newspaper The Guardian along with The New York times and Bloomberg news has been blocked in china for over a year. Motives for this act remains known (Taipei Times, 2014). Newspapers use of the internet is limited as not so much can be achieved due to interference by the government therefore using the internet could hinder performance as there is too much interference from the government. Newspapers should adapt its marketing mix to overcome the current situation of internet insecurity so as to reduce reliance on the internet. Though the internet can be used to position the newspapers brand image in the minds of the consumers for sales, or advertising or customer relationship but it wont be wise business decision to apply the newspapers club concept in China because the government can decide blacklist them just like the case of Backbone. Newspapers should create more awareness about its brand to the Chinese public especially the less educated ones explaining the difference between house coffee and the newspapers brand Lastly, since there is already a tea drinking tradition amongst the Chinese population, newspapers should consider a local adaptation which involves offering other kinds of hot drinks so as to have a variety of products for it ever growing tea drinking customers.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Essay about Maths Assignment task 1
Essay about Maths Assignment task 1 Essay about Maths Assignment task 1 Table of Boys Randomly Selected BOY NUMBER RANDOM NUMBER X 200 ROUNDED UP NUMBER AGE (YRS) HEIGHT (CM) WEIGHT (KG) 1 9.1 9 9 138 47.9 2 11.3 11 14 179 56.46 3 21.4 21 12 135 47.28 4 31.8 32 10 137 47.69 5 39.9 40 11 114 42.89 6 45.8 46 9 138 49.9 7 57.1 57 12 163 53.12 8 65.5 66 14 174 55.42 9 78.6 79 9 146 49.57 10 86.1 86 16 170 54.58 11 97.9 98 16 183 57.3 12 110.2 110 14 155 51.45 13 123.2 123 10 140 48.32 14 136.8 137 12 156 51.66 15 162.3 162 13 145 49.36 16 163.4 163 13 169 54.37 17 163.9 164 11 152 50.83 18 177.6 178 15 175 55.63 19 179.9 180 15 175 55.63 20 188.6 189 15 184 57.51 MEAN = 3, 014 20 = 150.7 MEDIAN = 155 + 156 2 = 155.5 (114,138,135,137,138,140,145,146,155,156,152,163,169,170,174,175,175,179,183,184) The results are similar so it is understood that the calculations are correct. Table of girls randomly selected GIRL NUMBER RANDOM NUMBER X 200 ROUNDED UP NUMBER AGE (YRS) HEIGHT (CM) WEIGHT (KG) 1 7.9 8 11 154 51.24 2 17.3 17 11 146 49.57 3 26.4 27 12 150 50.41 4 38.1 38 12 160 52.5 5 67 67 13 162 52.91 6 68.2 68 13 151 50.62 7 74.7 74 13 162 52.91 8 81.9 82 12 160 52.5 9 82.8 82 12 154 51.24 10 95 95 11 154 51.24 11 107.3 107 9 152 50.83 12 112.1 112 15 156 51.66 13 149.7 150 11 158 52.08 14 154.6 154 15 159 52.29 15 156 156 10 133 46.86 16 168.4 168 12 139 48.11 17 173.4 173 12 162 52.91 18 183 183 12 156 51.66 19 193.4 193 14 165 53.54 20 199.1 199 13 155 51.45 MEAN = 3,088 20 = 154.4 MEDIAN = 155 + 156 2 = 155.5 (133,139,146,150,151,152,154,154,154,155,156,156,158,159,160,160,162,162,162,165) The results are similar so it is understood that the calculations are correct. MATHS ASSIGNMENT TASK 1 STATISTICAL INVESTIGATION hypothesis I am hoping to find that boys are taller than girls. Plan I will ensure that my plan and chosen sampling method is satisfactory wth my maths tutor. I will collect a fair sample of 20 boys and 20 girls. In order for the sample to be unbiased, I will use random sampling to generate random numbers from 1 to 200. I will not use the same child twice, nor with incomplete data. I will then use the sample to calculate the average height of boys and girls to test my hypothesis. Sampling method – random sampling I wll use a calculator to generate random numbers by doing the following: press shift Ran # to generate a number. Press = to continually obtain further random numbers. Numbers from 1-200 are required, so I will use the following: Press shift Ran # multiplied by 200. I will then round each number up or down accordinally to produce a whole number. That is then the number of the child whose data I will highlight and use. Calculations by being able to find the average height of boys and girls I am able to find 1 figure that represents the boys and 1 figure that represents the girls. By doing this it will allow me to compare the heights effectively. The method I will use to find the average (mean) height of both boys and girls is: mean for boys = total number of heights (boys) number of boys = cm to 1 decimal place mean for girls = total number of heights (girls) number of girls = cm to 1 decimal place in order to check that I have the correct methods of calculations I will use another type of average to check the mean calculations. Median is the middle value when all of the heights are arranged in order of sze. The mean and median averages are similar so I will assume that my calcualtions are correct. For example if the middle numbers are 151 and 152 then the formula used is: 151 / 152 = median = 151 + 152
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Chinese in Nevada Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Chinese in Nevada - Term Paper Example Sue Fawn Chung. The subject matter was controversial since it delved into racial discrimination, which, according to the exhibit, was met by the Chinese immigrants in 1859 when they were apparently prohibited by miners’ administrators in the Gold Hill area from working as miners in the identified Comstock mines (Nevada State Museum). However, their industrious nature led them to own other small business ventures offering services to both Chinese and non-Chinese citizens through their reported service laundries, restaurants, boarding houses and even herbal medicine shops (Nevada State Museum). Likewise, the alleged completion of the railroad in Nevada in 1869 was attributed predominantly to Chinese immigrants who labored dedicatedly to this endeavor. They reportedly settled within the railroad system in 1870s as a distinct and segregated racial community which was later eventually known Chinatown (Nevada State Museum). I likewise observed the presence of Chinese artifacts with intricate traditional designs that have been effectively preserved for various viewers’ appreciation. There were two ancient jars or receptacles below the Chinese Workers Support the Mines narrative poster which had decorative metal covers. Other ancient artifacts that were viewed were a long slender decorative staff and a gambling license that was duly preserved. I noted that these artifacts contain symbols, carved images and designs that could still be seen in contemporary Chinese art forms. This simply means that the Chinese race has placed great emphasis in preserving their ancient art works and has maintained traditional values embodied in them. The Chinese people have been known to be artistic and spend a great deal of time in creating intricate designs and carved art forms in various mediums (wood, metal, paintings) which they were able to share as immigrants in Nevada. The book of the same title written by Chung confirmed the information I gathered from the exhibit re garding the ancient Chinese immigrants manifesting traits of industriousness, as excerpts from her book description indicated that â€Å"although many were attracted by mining prospects, the ability to own land, and work in railroad construction projects, they held a wide variety of jobs, including ranching, sheepherding, logging, medicine, merchandising, and gaming. Their restaurants and laundries could be found throughout the state†(Chung 1). Chung also noted that eventually, the policymakers in the United States have acknowledged the vast contribution of Chinese immigrants in the country and eventually repealed the restrictions to enable them to avail of the same rights accorded to American citizens. Likewise, online published report from The U.S. National Archives and Records Adminstration entitled â€Å"Chinese Immigration and the Chinese in the United States†also confirmed the initial discrimination that prevented Chinese migrants from entering the United State s: â€Å"from 1882 to 1943 the United States Government severely curtailed immigration from China to the United States. This Federal policy resulted from concern over the large numbers of Chinese who had come to the United States in response to the need for inexpensive labor, especially for construction of the transcontinental railroadâ€
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Belbins team-role theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Belbins team-role theory - Essay Example The benefit of utilising and understanding Belbin Team Roles is that not only do we learn more about ourselves, but also a lot about our work colleagues and how to get the best out of them†(â€Å"Belbin Team-Role Theory,†2011, pgh. 3). In Belbin’s theory, his specified team roles help delineate what kind of worker each person is within a group setting at work. It is obvious from the â€Å"Belbin Team-Role Summary Sheet†that every individual contributing in a groupâ€â€either as a plant, a resource investigator, a coordinator, a shaper, a monitor evaluator, a teamworker, an implementer, a completer finisher, or a specialistâ€â€has particular strengths and weaknesses (2011, pp. 1). Teamworkers are People-Oriented Roles. Teamworkers want to make the flow of the group smooth, and will do anything to be cooperative. In fact, they will go out of their way to make any project operate like a well-oiled machine. Teamworkers are diplomatic. Not only do they avoid friction and drama, but they try to build a team instead of break it down. Typical teamworkers will always try to repair any fractures within the infrastructure of the team. Teamworkers are good to have around because they are beneficial alliances in the event that other workers are upset with the manager. Specialists are Thought-Oriented Roles. Specialists are self-starting, dedicated types who evaluates research. Additionally, this person finds specialized information that is difficult to find. The weakness of a specialist.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Epidemiology (article analyses) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Epidemiology (article analyses) - Case Study Example The aims of the study were to estimate the impact of these risk factors among HIV-infected population as compared to the general population and to determine the relative risk death among successfully treated HIV-infected patients without such risk factors (Obe et al, 2011). The sampling frame was based on all Danish HIV-infected patients who started HAART in the period 1 January 1998–1 July 2009 while the comparison cohort consisted of individuals matched on date of birth and gender. Only patients who had been on HAART for a period of one year were included in the study. A major finding of the study was that probability of survival from age 25 to age 65 was substantially lower in HIV patients confidence interval compared to the comparison cohort. There was a significant increase in mortality among HIV-infected patients aged 25-65 as compared to the comparison cohort. However, among patients not exposed to the three risk factors under consideration, mortality was almost equal to that of the general population comparison cohort for the age group 45–65 but doubled for the age group 25–45. The probability of survival at 65 years of age was 0.48 among HIV-infected patients and 0.88 in HIV-free group. However, for HIV patients with no risk factors, the probability of survival at age 65 was 0.86. Generally, it was observed that risk-taking behavior does not automatically result in increased mortality among HIV-patients without other risk factors. The study improves onto the general thought that proper management of HIV can substantively reduce mortality rates among HIV-infected persons. However, cormobidity as well as other risk factors as well as alcohol/drug abuse can increase mortality in HIV-infected patients on HAART. In conclusion, although HIV-infected patients on HAART still have higher mortality rates, the presence of other risk-factors, which can be identified early, further inflate this risk. Consequently,
Friday, November 15, 2019
rates of chemical reactions- lo3 questions
rates of chemical reactions- lo3 questions Rates of Chemical Reactions- LO3 Questions 1.1 Two Grand-Pa tablets would have the same effect as one Grand-Pa powder this is because Grand-Pa Headache Tablets each contain, Aspirin: 226,8mg, Paracetamol: 162,0mg and Caffeine: 32,4mg where as Grand-Pa Headache Powders each contain Aspirin: 453,6mg, Paracetamol: 324,0 mg and Caffeine: 64,8 mg thus to obtain the same dosage of ingredients, twice the dosage, thus one would have to take two tablets to equal one powder. 1.2 Drinking them with warm water will allow for a faster reaction rate thus allowing the effect of the pain killer to work faster. Also, if the powder is dissolved into a small amount of water then the solution will be more concentrated and will therefore be able to get to work in a more effective manner quicker, which will allow for the powder to work quicker in relief of pain. 1.3 The granules in the powder have a larger combined surface area than that of a tablet, which results in a reaction with the water to be done quicker with the powder for, resultant of the larger exposed surface area of the granules, more reactions occur/are allowed to occur at a quicker rate between the reacting particles. The tablet, being comprised of compounded granules together, the collisions between the reacting particles is limited for the surface area of one whole tablet is less than the combined surface area of granules. Therefore less reactions are allowed/do occur, therefore the powders provide faster relief than the tablets for they react faster with the water and thus will work faster in supplying pain relief. 1.4Total: 453.6mg+324.0mg+64.8mg=842.4mg Aspirin: (453.6mg/842.4mg) * 100/1=53.85% Paracetemol: (324.0mg/842.4mg)*100/1=38.46% Caffeine: (64.8mg/842.4mg)*100/1=7.69% 1.5 Symptoms of Overdose Aspirin: These include dizziness, tinnitus, sweating, nausea, vomiting, mental confusion, hyperventilation, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, ketosis and depression of the central nervous system. In children serious signs of overdosage may develop rapidly. May include: burning pain in the throat/stomach, confusion, mental/mood changes, fainting, weakness, ringing in the ears, fever, rapid breathing, change in the amount of urine, seizures and loss of consciousness. Paracetamol: Liver damage which may be fatal may only appear after a few days. Symptoms of overdosage include nausea and vomiting. Acute intoxication causes kidney failure. Pallor, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal pain. Liver damage may become apparent 12 to 48 hours after ingestion. Abnormalities of glucose metabolism and metabolic acidosis may occur. In severe poisoning: hepatic failure may progress to encephalopathy, haemorrhage, cerebral endema (brain swelling), and death. Cardiac arrhythmias and pancreatitis have been reported. Caffeine: Large doses may cause restlessness, excitement, muscle tremor, tinnitus, scintillating scotoma, tachycardia, extrasystoles, restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed face, dieresis (frequent urination), gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitches, rambling flow of thought and speech, tachycardia or cardiac arythmia (fluctuating heart patterns), periods of inexhaustibility (continuous awareness) and psychomotor agitation ( trouble sitting still and being calm). 1.6 I would advise them not to, because they are already coffee addicts they are probably taking in a lot of caffeine already thus to take the Grand-Pa powders would increase their risk of an overdose. It also has the ability to enhance the effects of paracetamol and aspirin so not only will the caffeine have an effect on the persons body in an overdose situation, but the other contents of the Grand-Pa powders, namely the aspirin and the paracetamol will also have an effect on the body, and the combination of all three of them in an overdose situation will result in certain kidney failure and death resultantly. 2.1 The surface area of wood flour is great, because it is composed of grains which are very small this would cause for a large, sudden explosive effect should the cigarette ignition come into contact with the wood flour. The concentration of the reactants (the wood flour) is great having the granules that are very small and in piles together. Should the ignition/flame from the cigarette come into contact with the piles of the wood flour an explosive effect, resultant of the concentration of the wood flour. The application of the heat to the piles of wood flour will result in the reaction, for the increase in heat will result in a reaction and will work in supplying the sudden reaction of the wood flour parts. The smoking of a cigarette is also banned because cigarette ash can serve as a catalyst and when coming into contact and mixing with wood flour it can become a highly volatile blend. The owners of these mills do not wish to lose their supply and suffer damages to their faciliti es thus; they prohibit people from smoking or bringing fire or ignited material into the mill. A dust explosion is the explosive combustion of a dust suspended in air in an enclosed location, which results in harmful effects of overpressure, thermal radiation, and ensuing projectiles. Many materials which are commonly known to combust can generate a dust explosion, such as coal, sawdust, and magnesium. However, many otherwise mundane materials can also lead to a dangerous dust cloud such as grain, flour, sugar, powdered milk and pollen. Mining of coal leads to coal dust and flour mills likewise have large amounts of flour dust as a result of milling. A similar problem occurs in saw mills and other places dedicated to carpentry. The dust must also consist of very small particles, where the surface area is very large, and so will support combustion. Dust is defined as powders with particles less than about 500 micrometres in diameter, but finer dust will present a much greater hazard than coarse particles by virtue of the larger surface area. There are five necessary conditions for a dust explosion: A combustible dust; (Flour or Wood Flour) The dust is suspended in the air at a proper concentration; (Possible) There is an oxidant (typically atmospheric oxygen); (Possible) The dust is confined; (Yes) There is an ignition source. (Provided by cigarette) Thus there is a high risk of a dust explosion already and the cigarette would just complete the necessary conditions by providing an ignition source. 2.2.1 Use of Oxidant Concentration Reduction Use of Deflagration venting through a dust retention and flame-arresting device 2.2.2 Use of Deflagration venting Use of Deflagration pressure containment Use of Deflagration suppression Use of masks to ensure the reduction of the inhalation of the wood flour. 2.3 1. As an absorbent Absorbent qualities are utilized in cleansers to remove unwanted water, oils, or greases from such articles as delicate machinery parts, jewellery, and furs, or to carry cleansing, poisonous, or other chemical agents to an object. In the manufacture of dynamite, the extreme sensitivity of the explosive agent can be reduced to safe levels by solidifying the liquid nitro-glycerine by absorbing it in a solid medium such a3 wood flour. 2. As decorative material Wood flour is used decoratively in the production of â€Å"oatmeal†and â€Å"velvet†wallpapers, where decoration by design and texture is provided by wood flour, coloured as desired, onto a prepared paper surf ace. 3.1Iron (a porous iron catalyst prepared by reducing magnetite, Fe3O4) Osmium is a much better catalyst for the reaction but is very expensive. 3.2 A catalyst such as an iron catalyst is used to speed up the reaction by lowering the activation energy so that the N2 bonds and H2 bonds can be more readily broken. The catalyst has no affect whatsoever on the position of the equilibrium. Adding a catalyst doesnt produce any greater percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture. Its only function is to speed up the reaction. In the absence of a catalyst the reaction is so slow that virtually no reaction happens in any sensible time. The catalyst ensures that the reaction is fast enough for a dynamic equilibrium to be set up within the very short time that the gases are actually in the reactor. Catalysts lower the activation energy in a reaction by holding particles onto their surface and pointing them into the right direction for a product to form, which in this case is Ammonia. This catalyst, Iron (Fe3O4) , is used for it is ideal for allowing the nitrogen (N2 (g) ) and hydrogen (3H2 (g) )reactants to react and form the produ cts which entails Ammonia (2NH3 (l) ) rapidly. 3.3Ammonia; NH3 (l) 3.4 Fertilizer: Approximately 83% (as of 2003) of ammonia is used as fertilizers either as its salts or as solutions. Consuming more than 1% of all man-made power, the production of ammonia is a significant component of the world energy budget. Cleaner: Household ammonia is a general purpose cleaner that can be used on many surfaces. Because ammonia results in a relatively streak-free shine, one of its most common uses is to clean glass, porcelain and stainless steel. It is also frequently used for cleaning ovens and soaking items to loosen baked-on or caked-on grime. As a fuel: Ammonia was used during World War II to power buses in Belgium, and in engine and solar energy applications prior to 1900. Liquid ammonia was used as the fuel of the rocket airplane, the X-15. Although not as powerful as other fuels, it left no soot in the reusable rocket engine and its density approximately matches that for the oxidizer, liquid oxygen, which simplified the aircrafts design.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Symbols and Symbolism in Sir Gawain and Green Knight Essay -- Sir Gawa
Symbolism in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  Symbolism is a literary technique used in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight to liven up the story and give a deeper significance to the plot. Almost anything in the poem can be interpreted as a symbol in one way or another. The Green Knight, the green sash, and Sir Gawain's shield are three of the most prominent symbols presented to us in this author's tale.              The Green Knight, this poem's antagonist, serves as a symbol himself. He is not only portrayed as evil, but a mixture of the familiar and foreign, nature and synthetic, and divine and damned origin. His large stature can be interpreted as threatening or powerful. His green glow could be nature-associated or alien-associated. The first time he appears in the poem, he is even carrying a holly-branch (signifying peace) in one hand and a battle axe (signifying conflict) in the other. It's hard to say exactly for what the Green Knight stands, because f...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Slimaxes or anticlimaxes in Enduring Love Essay
Another climax begins at the end of chapter 21 with a phone call between Jed and Joe â€Å"I’m putting her on, OK? Are you there? Joe? Are you there?†Here McEwan uses juxtaposition of beginning an event within the formal closure of a chapter. The effect of this adds suspense to the novel as a whole as it wills the reader to follow the chain of events. Also, the panicked dialogue of â€Å"Are you there? Joe? Are you there?†heightens the climax by leaving it unresolved. McEwan continually references â€Å"sweat†in chapter 22 showing the physical exertion in each of the characters â€Å"sweat was beading on his forehead†illustrates the tension between Jed, Joe and Clarissa. Each reference to sweat made by McEwan reveals a subtle increase in the volume, beginning with â€Å"beading†ending with â€Å"rolling off Parry†. This is reflective of the tension of the climax as it builds up.Clarissa is given a voice in this chapter which shows how frightened she is but also reveals more about Joe’s character. The novel is told through the narrative perspective of Joe Rose, therefore Clarissa’s dialogue is under his control meaning that Joe is in full control of her voice and is able to dictate how the reader perceives her. Her small voice reveals that Joe sees her in as vulnerable. This portrays to the reader, Clarissa as a victim of both the situation and the narrative, creating sympathy for her within the climax. This is significant becauseit adds an alternate perspective to the novel. The sympathy created here is later emphasised in chapter 23 in which Clarissa finally gets an undistorted voice.McEwan continually uses sense in chapter22 which makes the scene more dramatic adding to the climax and is implies a rush of adrenaline which heightens the senses. The description â€Å"she was still, but ripples of muscle and tendon at the base of her neck suggested that she was coiled†â€Å"I could hear my heart under my shirt†adds to the tension of the chapter which makes this particular climax significant as it creates a vivid image for the reader. Most of McEwan’s description revolves around tension, of the situation, of muscles; this subsequently builds tension within the reader, adding to the anticipation of the climax. As the novel draws to a close,McEwan finally clears the mystery of Jed Parry’s nature. This is significant to the climax as it dramatically changes the reader’sperspective on Jed, and perhaps the entirety of the novel. In Chapter 22, Jed is revealed to be a harmless soul, not at all a treat. All Jed wants is forgiveness from Joe â€Å"please forgive me, Joe, for what I did yesterday†which in a way acts as an anticlimax as the novel builds Jed up to be a harmful man with a ve ndetta,yet in actuality, all he wants is forgiveness. Joe is insistent on playing the hero, but is portrayed as being petrified of using a gun. Clarissa doesn’t seem to be pleased that Joe wanted to play the hero, nor does she see him as a hero which dulls the poignancy of the climax. Also Joe seems to be playing the anti-hero and Jed, the anti-terrorist. This is significant to the novel as it is juxtaposed to the stereotypical thriller/romancewhich the novel partially aims towards.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Final Project
Some of my unique qualities, personal characteristics, attitudes, abilities are the following†¦. My unique qualities are how no matter if I am happy or sad I can always make myself happy so other people are happy and so I don’t make other people in a bad mood like me. I have a very good attitude towards whatever I am doing. I am also very great leader, I am very trustworthy, I am very motivated towards whatever I am given to do, I am a very very honest person. When it comes to my working with people all day I am very friendly, open minded, my personality is great, my self-esteem is very high and I am very Respectful towards everyone that comes along no matter who they may be. My three key areas I wish to improve on, to overcome weaknesses, or to further strengthen my skills are very hard to think of because I have very few things that I need to improve I feel that along the way in life they improve themselves. I want to overcome my fear to fly, because I would love to move away or just in case if in my job I need to fly I will be able to fly. I would also like to work on being able to get up in front of a bunch of people and being able to speak without getting all quiet and freezing up. Also making eye contact with people while speaking. My ideal day would start off with every morning waking up next to my husband and that of course would be Rob. The weather would be a perfect 70 degrees, sunny maybe a little rain, just beautiful. I would watch a little TV and eat breakfast with my husband. Then I would sit around for as long as I would want too. As I sat at home and decide what I would want to do for the day I would play video games with my husband. We would have a nice sized house in Illinois. We have a TV in every room and also with those TV’s of course video games, DVD’s, VHS’s, surround sound and etc. When we would decide to go out I would enjoy the rain because I love it when it rains. Then Rob and I... Free Essays on Final Project Free Essays on Final Project Some of my unique qualities, personal characteristics, attitudes, abilities are the following†¦. My unique qualities are how no matter if I am happy or sad I can always make myself happy so other people are happy and so I don’t make other people in a bad mood like me. I have a very good attitude towards whatever I am doing. I am also very great leader, I am very trustworthy, I am very motivated towards whatever I am given to do, I am a very very honest person. When it comes to my working with people all day I am very friendly, open minded, my personality is great, my self-esteem is very high and I am very Respectful towards everyone that comes along no matter who they may be. My three key areas I wish to improve on, to overcome weaknesses, or to further strengthen my skills are very hard to think of because I have very few things that I need to improve I feel that along the way in life they improve themselves. I want to overcome my fear to fly, because I would love to move away or just in case if in my job I need to fly I will be able to fly. I would also like to work on being able to get up in front of a bunch of people and being able to speak without getting all quiet and freezing up. Also making eye contact with people while speaking. My ideal day would start off with every morning waking up next to my husband and that of course would be Rob. The weather would be a perfect 70 degrees, sunny maybe a little rain, just beautiful. I would watch a little TV and eat breakfast with my husband. Then I would sit around for as long as I would want too. As I sat at home and decide what I would want to do for the day I would play video games with my husband. We would have a nice sized house in Illinois. We have a TV in every room and also with those TV’s of course video games, DVD’s, VHS’s, surround sound and etc. When we would decide to go out I would enjoy the rain because I love it when it rains. Then Rob and I...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Migrations During the Dark Age of Ancient Greece
Migrations During the Dark Age of Ancient Greece Well never know exactly how Greece came to create colonies in Asia Minor and in southern areas of Italy, Megale Hellas, known better by the Latin name of Magna Graecia. Here is the modern theory followed by what the ancient Greeks thought had happened. The essence of what we think happened is that a Dark Age invasion of a people known as Dorians swept down from the North, settling first in the Corinthian Gulf and the northwest Peloponnese, then the south and east, and the islands of Crete, Rhodes, and Kos. These Dorians pushed the native Greeks out of their homelands. Eventually some mainland Greeks migrated to Ionia. The ancient Greeks had their own explanation of the Dorian Invasion.... Ancient Version of the Dorian Invasion Archaic Age Hesiod Perseus Theseus Heraclides Hercules Who Were the Dorians? Thucydides on the Greek Colonies Sixty years after the capture of Ilium, the modern Boeotians were driven out of Arne by the Thessalians, and settled in the present Boeotia, the former Cadmeis.... Twenty years later, the Dorians and the Heraclids became masters of Peloponnese; so that much had to be done and many years had to elapse before Hellas could attain to a durable tranquillity undisturbed by removals, and could begin to send out colonies, as Athens did to Ionia and most of the islands, and the Peloponnesians to most of Italy and Sicily and some places in the rest of Hellas.- Thucydides Greeks in Asia Minor During the Trojan War Bronze Age Sallie Goetsch Ionian Settlements Sources: [URL ]Carlos Parada Heraclides[] Early Greek AstronomersIonians mingled with Lydians and Persians and sea-faring people. The Question of a Dorian InvasionThomas Martin Overview of Greek History in this section addresses both the question of the invasion and Greek chronology. Homeric Geography
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Microcredit Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Microcredit - Term Paper Example The description of the ways in which access to credit eradicates poverty is also discussed in this paper basing the argument on empirical studies. Usman, Malik and Shafiq (2011) explain that regular banks are generally meant for people with money and thus microfinance becomes very necessary for the millions of poor people across the world. Microcredit institutions offer the small financial loans in form of microcredit to the poor with a premise that these people have financial skills and talents which can be utilized through financing for their own benefit and the society in general. According to Vasanthakumari (2008, p. 137), microcredit is necessary for the poor because it offers them the chance to utilize their capabilities and hence progress both economically and socially. Because dependency on charity only sustains poverty, microfinance becomes necessary to enable the poor to utilize their creativity and potential which is possible if people’s energy is concentrated on bu siness ventures and self development as described by Sin-Yu and Odhiambo (2011, p. 103). Microcredit is described by Madichie and Nkamnebe (2010, p. 301) as a form of finance that provides small loans to poor people which allows them to have an ability of self employment. According to Ghosh and Wright (2005, p. 298), microcredit targets poor people who need it to begin businesses and as a result it charges low interest rates as compared to the regular banking services. The Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank are credited for the introduction of microcredit as an economic innovation which targets poor people with an aim of empowering them and thus lead to a general development of the social systems. As a result of this innovation, Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank received a Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 because microfinance led to the empowerment of poor entrepreneurs, farmers and the unemployed. Durrani, Usman, Malik and Ahmad (2011, p. 138) illustrate that microcredit targets people in the unstable income bracket due to unemployment. Because poor people fail to meet the minimum financial qualification of regular banks before they acquire credit services, microfinance plays a significant in the economic progress of the poor. Poorer People Need Microcredit Lack of credit is attributed to the inability of the poor to progress economically and become wealthy as said by Haque and Harbin (2009, p. 4). Microcredit is therefore the best financial solution to the increased poverty especially in developing nations. The credit market within regular banks is full of imperfections and therefore microcredit acts to combat the problems related to the acquisition of credit from banks such as high collateral requirement. Sharma (2005, p. 288) explains that the difficulty of acquiring a loan from formal credit markets makes poor people to resolve into borrowing money from informal credit markets where they are vulnerable to exploitation. In the informal credit market, moneylenders give loans to the poor who have limited options and exploit them through charging exaggerated interest rates. In the developing economies, money lenders provide alternative credit services to the poor because the regular banks require very high financial qualifications for loans which the poor cannot attain. The role of microfinance in the eradication of poverty is therefore evident through the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Write four pages about month of Ramadan with references Essay
Write four pages about month of Ramadan with references - Essay Example ing to the American Dietetic Association, â€Å"exceptions to the fast are made for individuals who are sick or travelling; women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or menstruating; children younger than the age of puberty; and the elderly, if their physical condition warrants exception†(187). The dates during which the period of Ramadan takes place can vary from year to year, but it is always during the Islamic calendar, which is a lunar calendar. As the month of Ramadan approaches its end, the Night of Power, which is sometimes referred to as the Night of Destiny is celebrated. The night marks the â€Å"night when the first verses of the Koran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in a remote cave on Mount Mira, near Mecca, Saudi Arabia†(McMahon 262). The end of the month is marked by a holy feast known as Eid al-Fitr. The religion of Islam was created by Prophet Muhammad. Muslims do not consider him the founder of the religion, since they believe that all he did was following the teachings of Allah. Muslims also believe that Muhammad was the last prophet that Allah spoke to. The scriptures written in the Quran were revealed to Prophet Muhammad by angel Gabriel. It took angel Gabriel years to reveal the scriptures to Prophet Muhammad, but it is believed that it is during the month of Ramadan that the transmitting of text began. Cragg points out that Ramadan â€Å"celebrates the beginning of the Quran revelation to Muhammad†(22). The word Ramadan means excess heat and the reason the month was named so, is because when the ancient people â€Å"changed the names of the months from the ancient language, they named them according to the seasons in which they fell, and this month agreed with the days of excessive heat†(Ali n.p.). The beginning, night of power and end of Ramadan are important dates during Ramadan. Ramadan begins when the new moon is sighted. According to Glassà ©, â€Å"a new moon cannot be seen with the naked eye until at least twenty hours after the
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