Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY.#2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY.#2 - Essay Example ngual toddlers with proficiency in native language are capable of learning words outside the conventional system and are sensitive to boundaries that exist between languages. I felt interested in this article since it offered a comprehensive and controlled research that provided insights on mechanisms of learning foreign language. I believe the article will be useful in understanding whether children who stay closer to their mothers develop better vocabulary. However, the article suffers a limitation since it does not identify the gender and age is a factor in vocabulary learning. Szagun, G., Stumper, B., Sondag, N & Franik, M. (2007). â€Å"The acquisition of gender marking by young German-speaking children: evidence from learning guided by phonological regularities†, Journal of child language, 34 (2007), pp 445-471. This comprehensive research article examined the acquisition of nouns by a sample of 21 young German-speaking children. The research investigated whether gender and age are factors that determine development of first language vocabulary. The authors attempted to investigate whether young children use phonological regularities of noun structure after acquiring noun gender. The article clarifies that phonological patterns guide in noun gender acquisition and errors are systematic. The data analysis was based on 22 two hourly speech samples per child from 6 children aged between 1;4 and 3; 8 and on 5 two-hourly speech samples per child from the remaining 15 children aged between 1 ; 4 and 2 ; 10. Everything spoken by the child was transcribed using Childes and Cohen’s kappa indicated good agreement between coders. The findings indicated that masculine errors were more frequent than feminine errors. The error rate dropped by 10 percent around 3 years thus indicating age may be a factor in vocabulary development amongst different gender in the society. I felt interested in the article since the research methodology, design and data collection

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